Empowered Living Coaching Membership

Transform Your Life

Take control of your energy, enhance your daily habits, transform your mindset and unlock your intuitive power for a life filled with purpose, joy, and harmony.

Imagine waking up each morning feeling empowered and aligned with your true self

Finally be able to release the confusion, doubt, uncertainty and overwhelm that has become a part of your everyday life.  Transforming energy with simple practices that gives you back your power.  Tuning into your body, understanding how it communicates with you so that you can tap into that innate ability to better navigate your reality.

  • Improve your energy and how you show up everyday.
  • Embrace daily habits that enhance your mind, body and soul and create lasting change.
  • Take the best care of yourself to support this highest version of you.
  • Partner with Spirit, knowing that this journey is not a solo one but one with energetic support and guidance.
  • Create new neural pathways and change at a cellular level.
  • Identifying and shifting patterns and belief systems that do not align with what you desire to create.  
  • Release blocked energy and stress within the body so you can fully show up and function at your best.
  • Improve focus and clarity.
  • Enhance your intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Trust your innate ability to read energy and make decisions that go beyond logic but best support you.

Empowered Living Core Focus

These core areas of focus are essential to unlocking your full potential.

Energy Management
& Holistic Healing

Partner with spirit, articulate and align your own energy and be able to sense energetic shifts.  Explore healing techniques that address the mind, body, and spirit for overall well-being.  

Intuitive Development

Cultivate deep self-awareness and unlock your intuitive potential for better decision-making.

Nourish Your Body

Adopt nourishing habits and practices that support your physical health and longevity.

What you can expect in the Empowered Living Coaching Membership

This is a space, you will be able to go inward to nurture, trust and take care of yourself. It is also a place to move your forward by co-creating with the Universe and taking inspired action.

EMPOWERED LIVING CONTENT LIBRARY: Access to content provided just for this coaching membership related to the core essential areas of focus: nourish your body, energy management, holistic healing and intuitive development.

EMBODIMENT CHALLENGES: 5-day challenges that incorporate one area of focus.  This allows integration and application of the information.  Ensuring transformation by integrating these into your daily life.  

MONTHLY RECORDED CRYSTAL HEALING SESSION: Each month you will access a new, recorded crystal healing session that will support you in recalibrating your energy. Releasing what no longer serves you, so you can fully show up as your true self. Listen as often as you feel guided too. 

1:1 MESSENGER COACHING SUPPORT: 3x/month access one-on-one support through messenger in living YOUR empowered life.  Ask about content, next steps, where to start, how to move through challenges, etc.  These are offered on specific days and times.  

PRIVATE COMMUNITY: Accountability, connection, support: ask your questions (24/7) and celebrate your wins.


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